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Advice, Counselling, Support and Information
Age UK 0800 055 6112 Helpline, free booklets and online downloads on many aspects of dying including: Making a Will; Power of Attorney; Disability Benefits; NHS Continuing Healthcare; Adapting Your Home; Technology and the Internet; What to Do When Someone Dies. Comprehensive Age UK booklets, of use to younger people too.
Benefits Agency – Enquiry Line 0800 055 6688 Helpline and claim forms and online downloads topics include all aspects of disability and carers benefits – Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Carers Allowance, Social Fund Funeral Payment and Bereavement Benefits. See: Department for Work and Pensions).
British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy 01455 883 300 Information on organisations, counsellors and therapists nationwide (some of whom are free). Many hospices and palliative care teams provide free counselling and some have psychotherapy.
British Complementary Medicine Association 0845 345 5977 Guides the public through the maze of alternative therapies and therapists available and represents vetted organisations.
British Holistic Medical Association 0117 986 7121 CD available ‘Sound and Song for Relaxation and Wellbeing’. Podcasts on back pain, managing stress and wellbeing.
British Medical Association 0300 123 1233 The governing body for the British medical profession.
Care Quality Commission (formerly the Commission for Social Care Inspection 03000 616161 Health and social care regulator for England, which aims to ensure better care for everyone in hospital, in a care home and at home
Carers UK 020 7378 4999 Helpline and free booklets and online downloads topics include: What help is available? Coming out of hospital, Residential or nursing care, What to do when caring ends, Advice for carers and former carers. Support groups for carers.
Citizens Advice Bureau 0345 404 0506 National charity with local offices
Counselling and Psychotherapy - for a list of accredited / chartered or registered therapists
Death Cafe to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives. Holds regular pop-up Death Cafes.
Dignity in Dying 0207 479 7730 Aims ‘to make it legal for a competent adult, who is suffering unbearably from an incurable illness, to receive medical help to die at their own considered and persistent request’. Pioneers of the Living Will.
Dying Matters 0800 021 4466 Helpline and free leaflets online including ‘5 Things to Do Before I Die’. Holds a list of events for the public to attend and promotes the UKs Dying Awareness Week in May.
Final Fling Web resource providing a one stop shop to all matters of advance care planning and funeral wishes.
Find Me Help UK innovative web resource linking to local services, information and a supportive online community for people in the last years of life, their families, carers and friends. Project of Dying Matters.
Health Talk Online 01865 744209 Website with over 2,000 people’s experiences of all aspects of health and illness including dying.
Hospice Uk 020 7520 8200 Publishes a UK directory of hospices and palliative care services. You can search online using your postcode to find your local palliative care / Macmillan nurse or hospice. Also provides international information on palliative care services.
Human Tissue Authority 020 7269 1900 Body/organ donation helpline and online downloads.
Inquest 020 7263 1111 Advice service to bereaved people and professionals on contentious deaths and their investigation.
Living Well, Dying Well 01273 479114 Charity offering advice and support to empower people on matters related to dying
Macmillan Cancer Support 0808 808 0000 A charity providing support for cancer patients and their families. Helpline staffed by specialist nurses who can offer advice and send out free information booklets and online downloads.
Marie Curie Cancer Care 0800 716 146 A charity providing Hospice centres and night nurses who are free, but obtained through the District Nurse service. Helpline and free booklets and online downloads.
Natural Death Society by the Natural Death Centre 01962 712 690 The Natural Death Society launched in 2012 by the NDC to bring together people who share the same belief in our human right to approach death with the same freedom that we live our lives.
NHS Carers Direct 0808 802 0202 Helpline offering information, advice and support to carers
NHS Choices Website that gives access to find NHS services including hospitals and local doctors and helpful information on a huge variety of health related topics.
NHS Directory of Complementary and alternative practitioners. 020 8835 7009 - Many hospice (day centres and inpatient units) provide free complimentary therapies.
Oral History Society Encourages people to record their own and other peoples’ life stories and offers practical advice and support. Many of the online genealogy websites have free guidance on how to record your family.
Patients Association 020 8423 9111
A national healthcare charity providing patients with an opportunity to raise concerns and share experiences. Signposts to advice, information and self help groups
Samaritans Helpline 08457 90 90 90 General 020 8394 8300 24-hour confidential support for those in despair, distressed or suicidal.
Transitus 01258 475 125 Network and resource for those working and interested in the spiritual aspects of dying. Has an online directory of its members.
UK Council for Psychotherapy 020 7014 9955 Holds the national register of psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors.
UK Transplant 0117 975 7575 Helpline and online downloads on all aspects of organ donation.
Voluntary Euthanasia Society (see Dignity in Dying)
7 Cups of Tea 7 Cups of Tea is an on-demand emotional health and well-being service. Our bridging technology anonymously & securely connects real people to real listeners in one-on-one chat sessions or phone calls.
HMRC What to do after a death checklist as well as signposting to further advice.
Child Death Helpline 0800 282 986 Trained volunteers (mostly bereaved parents themselves) offer free telephone counselling and emotional support to anyone affected by the death of a child or young adult.
Compassionate Friends 0117 966 5202 Charity of bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents dedicated to the support and care of other bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents.
Cruse Bereavement Care 0844 477 9400 For all who have suffered a bereavement: socials, advice, counselling, training, publications. Helpline and free booklets and online downloads.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Bereavement Helpline 020 7837 3337 Counselling and support service provided by charity London Friend for people bereaved by the death of a same-sex partner. Provides advice on suitable clergy for the funeral, funeral directors and solicitors for any legal matters. (See also Terence Higgins Trust under Counselling section.)
National Association of Widows 0845 838 2261 Membership-based organisation ‘run by widows for widows’: support, friendship and understanding.
Road Peace 020 7733 1603 Supporting those bereaved or injured in a road crash. Memorial trees planted for those who die in road accidents in Road Peace Wood.
Support after Murder and Manslaughter 0121 471 1200 Support groups around the UK.
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide 0844 561 6855 Charity to meet the needs and break the isolation of those bereaved by the suicide of a close relative or friend, offering emotional and practical support.
Childhood Bereavement Network 020 7843 6309 National federation of organisations and individuals working with bereaved children and young people; offers information, guidance and support for bereavement and children’s responses to grief.
Child Bereavement Charity 01494 568 900 Supports families and young people when a child dies or is bereaved.
CLIC Sargent 0300 330 0803 charity providing advice, publications and direct services in the community in people’s homes and hospitals for children, young people and their family.
RD4U 0808 808 1677 Bereavement website designed for young people by young people as part of Cruse Bereavement Care charity.
Winston’s Wish 01242 515157 Charity for bereaved children which helps young people re-adjust to life after the death of a parent or sibling. Helpline and free booklets and online downloads on all aspects of supporting children when talking to children about terminal illness.
Funeral Celebrants and Officiants
Civil Funeral Celebrant, Institute of Civil Funerals 01920 898156 reflect the life of the deceased with a religious or secular (non-religious) service/ceremony, or a fusion of the two.
Greenfuse Celebrant (Devon, Cornwall) 01803 840779
British Humanist Association 020 7079 3580 for people who are not religious.
Inter Faith Minister One Spirit Interfaith Foundation 08444 457 004– whether religious or not, spiritual ceremonies can be created and delivered according to family wishes.
Web search
Celebrant Coaching: Celebrant coaching and training academy.
Association of Natural Burial Grounds (part of the Natural Death Centre) 01962 712 Provides guidance and assistance to natural burial site operators in setting up and maintaining sites and ensuring that the Code of Conduct is adhered to, thus giving the public an assurance of best practice. Find your local Association of Natural Burial Grounds member on the listing page.
Coffins: see Natural Death Centre Coffins, Shrouds and Memorials page.
Cremation Society of Great Britain 01622 688 292 Find your local crematorium. Booklet What You Should Know About Cremation can be viewed online or free by post.
Department of Work and Pensions (2009) What to do after a Death in England and Wales. 0845 606 0265 A free guide to what you must do and the help you can get when someone dies. (see below for Scottish one)
Directgov Enter ‘funeral’ in search. Advice and guidance on your rights.
DIY Funeral - Natural Death Centre 01962 712 690 also see USA section below which includes ‘home funeral guides’.
Funeral Director Listings 01962 712 690 for the Natural Death Centre’s UK list of Funeral Directors.
Funeral Map 0845 0048608 provides listings of funeral directors in the UK.
Funeral Payments from the Social Fund Jobcentre Plus by
visiting Enter search: Get help covering funeral costs (form SF200).
Funeral Plans pre need funeral plans are increasing and there are many national companies. The Funeral Planning Authority Limited 0845 6019619 aims to protect consumers' interests and provides advice.
Funerals Today for those seeking new, original, interfaith funeral readings. They are appropriate for those with any faith view, be they non-believers or devoutly faithful. A lot of the texts have a spiritual element, but there are no references to any particular religion.
Good Funeral Guide An independent, not for profit consumer advice and advocacy service for anyone who needs to arrange a funeral for someone now, who wants to make future arrangements for their own funerals, or who ust wants to learn about death and funerals. Includes a brilliant blog with topical posts and commentary.
If I Should Die Web based resource on many aspects of funerals.
Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management 020 8989 4661 Raises standards of services to the bereaved by promoting best practice in cemeteries and crematoria.
Music for the ceremony: there are many online suggestions for songs and hymns see Some people include the playlist in the order of service and can be listened to at home with web based companies such as Live music works well too.
National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) 0121 711 1343 Funeral Trade Association with a Code of Practice available free of charge. Complaints about a funeral director should go in the first instance to the funeral director, though there is nothing to stop direct approach to NAFD or to the Trading Standards Dept (through your local council)
National Association of Memorial Masons 01788 54 22 64 Code of Business Practice and Code of Ethics for members. Has a list of members who produce individually-crafted memorials.
National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF) 01279 726 777 Funeral Trade Association whose members are all independent funeral directors. The funeral service they offer is not part of a national or international conglomerate or chain, but is privately owned and managed.
Office of Fair Trading 020 7211 8000 Aims to protect consumers and explain their rights. Enter ‘funeral’ in search. Their survey showed only 21%of funeral directors thought that their clients were aware of the various codes of practice within the industry.
Photos and video create your own collages for the funeral, or ask someone to take pictures at the funeral and share the day in a single email. See also Sentiment Ltd
Private land burial 01962 712 690 for the Environment Agency’s leaflet ‘Funeral practices, spreading ashes and caring for the environment’.
Scattering Ashes web based resource on many aspects of cremation ashes. See also for the Environment Agency’s leaflet ‘Funeral practices, spreading ashes and caring for the environment’
Scottish Government (2009) What to do after a Death in Scotland. 0131 556 8400 A free guide to what you must do and the help you can get when someone dies.
Woodland Trust Dedicate a tree to one of 23 woods across the UK. Your local park might run a similar scheme.
Other than burial or cremation?
Organ /body donation – see Human Tissue Authority
Burial at Sea enter ‘burial at sea’. Though romantic it can be a lot more expensive than a traditional burial and only about twenty happen every year. There are only three designated burial at sea sites around the English coast but more are planned. A more common alternative is to scatter the ashes at sea from the shore or by hiring a boat see
Natural cremation (open-air cremation) not available in UK at present but NDC is campaigning in its support.
Online Memorials
Of the numerous sites on the internet, some charge a great deal, some offer only temporary postings and some are free. See the Memorial Code of Ethics for listings of organisations that have agreed to some basic principles.
Much Loved: the free online memorial charity
There are an emerging number of online blogs, the best of which in our opinion is
The Good Funeral Guide Blog The Natural Death Centre reads it daily.
Crossings: ‘Caring for our Own at Death’ home funeral guide.
Final Passages home funeral guide.
Funeral Consumers Alliance information on alternatives to costly funerals and promotes the American natural death movement.
Funeral Ethics promotes ethical dealings in all death-related transactions.
Green Burial Council green funerals and natural burial.
National Home Funeral Alliance home funeral guide.
Natural Burial Company green funerals and natural burial.
Natural Transitions home funeral guide.
Passing Through Our Hands: A Home Funeral Guide video guide for home funeral care.
Undertaken with Love home funeral guide.
Grave Matters green funerals and natural burial.
CINDEA Canadian Integrative Network for Death Education and Alternatives A non-profit organisation providing information on alternative approaches to death and all the required resources, listed Canada wide or by each province and territory.
Rest of the World
Contact the Natural Death Centre for contacts around the world.
Academic – see the Natural Death Handbook (2012) for a comprehensive list:
Centre for Death and Life Studies University of Durham. UK Academic centre.
Centre for Death and Society Academic centre hosting the Funeral Services Foundation Degree. University of Bath. Has a free monthly newsletter of events and exhibitions.
Know your Facts links
DIY Funerals
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Advance Funeral Wishes