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The Handbook & other publications

The Natural Death Handbook

Fifth Edition

(only available directly from The Natural Death Centre and selected quality book shops)

Credit to Will Whipple (photographer)


The essential and influential guide covering the practical, emotional and spiritual aspects of death and dying, now in its fifth edition.


Completely revised and expanded, the Natural Death Handbook now includes a collection of essays by eminent writers, and a directory of UK and Ireland natural burial grounds, progressive funeral directors and suppliers of green coffins and urns.


Together these three books make an indispensable guide for those in need of practical advice, reassurance and inspiration.


Only £20 including UK P&P.

Previous editions of the Handbook revolutionised the world of funerals - now, in 2012, this extraordinary Fifth Edition will challenge, inform and empower everyone who reads it.

Click here to read a review on the Huffington Post:

Death's Summer Coat: A Review of The Natural Death Handbook, Fifth Edition


To order your copy, please use the Paypal facility below. A Paypal account is not required, and postage is included.

UK (including P&P) £20.00

Europe (including P&P) £30.00

Zone 1: South America, Canada, Africa and Asia (including P&P) £37.50

Zone 2: Australia & New Zealand (including P&P) £40.50

Zone 3: USA (including P&P) £42.50

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Send a cheque for the appropriate amount made payable to The Natural Death Centre, along with your delivery address details to: In The Hill House, Watley Lane, Twyford, Winchester SO21 1QX


Join The Natural Death Society

(and receive a complimentary copy of the new Handbook)

The new Natural Death Society has been set up by the NDC to bring together people who share the same belief in our human right to approach death with the same freedom that we live our lives.

Open to everyone to join, the Society has been created to spread the word about choice and to promote improvement, both in the process of dying and in the arrangements for funerals, to challenge society’s acceptance that we cannot care for our dead ourselves,and to take away the fear of the discussion of death and dying.

By joining the Society, individuals will be supporting the continuing work of The Natural Death Centre, the Charity that pioneered the natural death movement across the world, for more information click here

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Do Not Go Gentle £7.00 *inc. UK p&p.


Poems for funerals ' There are poems for churchgoers... for people of all faiths and religions... and for those who aren't sure what they believe...' edited by Neil Astley




The Green Consumer Guide by Julia Hailes £16.00 *inc. UK p&p


'explains which products, brands and companies are getting it right - and which ones are getting it wrong... whether paper bags are better tha plastic, what role supermarkets have in a greener world, and how living a modern lifestyle doesn't mean we have to waste energy and resources... easy to read and full of simple, fun ideas to help you get more active.'





The Global Ideas Book £15.00 *inc. UK p&p


'In a world where problems seem to multipy each year, this book... shines light into the dark. It is a book of social inventions, of great ideas and projects that use creativity to change the world for the better' foreward by Charles Handy




The Worlds Greatest Ideas £8.00 *inc. UK p&p


An encyclopedia of social inventions 'We've all heard about the bad news - but where do you look for the good news? look no further'  introduction by Brian Eno, foreword by Kirkpatrick Sale & Preface by Jay Wallijasper




Setting the World Alight £5.00 *inc. UK p&p

Ideas for social change ' ...a mix of existing projects, fledgling schemes and bright ideas collated by the Institue for Social Inventions from around the world' foreword by Dame Anita Roddick DBE




Cornucopia of Ideas £5.00 *inc. UK p&p

A '300 page compendium of social inventions that demonstrate the vitality of human creativity and imagination... If you want to change the world, start withthe details' preface by Brian Eno





Did you miss out on the last edition of The Natural Death Handbook? Would you like to have a copy for heritage interest in the Natural Death movement?

We still have a few of the Fourth Edition of The Natural Death Handbook left - now on sale at £8.50 *inc. UK p&p

Please note this edition of the Handbook is now out of date!


* NB Please note that information in this edition aroudn 15 years old and much will no longer be relevant in 2017. Copies are only likely to be of interest to those looking for a historical record of how the natural death movement has evolved.


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*All prices include P&P (unless otherwise stated)to anywhere in the UK, if you wish to have items posted outside the UK please contact us


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